Thursday, August 13, 2015

Self Identity

     "I Know the Black Womb1 is God." 2015 Digital Collage photos found using Google

I made this image after I had a conflict with a pair of black women. The interaction was petty and pretty foul. I felt disappointed in myself because I wasn't able to rationally convey a cohesive interaction. I forgive myself because I am only human and I am less than perfect. One can present the most sound logic and that information can be total missed or processed by another differently than what was intended. 

In our current global culture, to be the baddest bitch is an actual state of being and desired goal for females and males regardless of color or racial identity. Unfortunately, television shows like the Real Housewives of Atlanta have made the term bitch a glorified state of reckless behavior. As a black woman, I am drawn to dissect and ponder the real source of being a bad bitch, trick or ho. My findings of exploitation, rape and prostitiution are obviously something that the people of the United States of America refuse to fully examine or address.
"Momma You Say" 2015 Digital Collage photos found using Google June 30, 2015

We all are connected to the first African Haplogroups L0, L1, L2, and L3. All Europeans come from Haplogroup L3. This blog is identified with Haplogroup L1 because L1 mothered two sisters L2 and L3. As different: colors societies nations races states religions and beings we socialize ourselves as seperate versus together. We all internalize self hate before we display it outwards. 

This collage was made while watching the first two episodes of "I Am Cait." Caitlyn Jenner's transformation and reality television show that follows Bruce Jenner's twisted ego and privilege. It is very clear he is a person obsessed with achieving firsts. Being a famous Hollywood identity one's life is a commercial entity that is fabricated at any cost to create illusions for the public eye. It is pretty disturbing as a female to see his portrayal representing femininty reduced to catty complimentary behaviors balanced with emotional outbursts. Clearly, men need to be attractive and have a full range of emotional release. In my mind, the United Nations should be having a Global Design Contest for a mono jumpsuit to fashionable outfit a Unified Planet.

Final thoughts: I would like to make it clear that I am not against any beings sexual, gender, race, culture, age or abilities. I believe our roles and identities are all mixed up trying to meet ridiculous "normal" standards. Seeing that "man" doesn't know his origins come from Haplogroup L3 explains why the entire planet is in turmoil and distress. We are one and I do think a really cool futuristic mono jumpsuit will help speeding things up for us to get there.

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